Eyelid disorders (Ectropian, Entropian)

Eyelids are important for the general health and protection of the eye. Numerous problems can occur with the eyelids that can cause inflammation, infection, ulceration and discomfort. The lids may developed and grow abnormally, be damaged due to trauma, infection, inflammation, be a poor fit, develop masses/tumours or have abnormal lash growth.

is where the eyelid margin rolls IN onto the eye allowing hair to rub on the corneal surface causing irritation. This most commonly occurs in the lower lids of young growing dogs, and then later in life both upper and lower entropion can occur in both cats and dogs. Young growing horses may also develop a temporary entropoion should they become unwell and dehydrated. Surgery is often needed to resolve Entropion.

is where the lower eyelid margin rolls OUT giving a droopy blood hound appearance to the face. The condition is not usually as painful as Entropion but may cause recurrent conjunctivitis and may be unsightly.

Diamond eye
is a combination of both entopion and ectropion in the upper and lower lids. This usually occurs in giant breeds such as Saint Bernards and Great Danes. Surgical intervention is often needed to help improve the eyelid “fit” and improve comfort.

are abnormal eyelashes growing from the tarsal glands then out of the eyelid margin onto the cornea. It is a relatively common disorder in a number of purebred dogs such as the Cocker Spaniel and Shih Tzu. In these breeds it is unusual for the lashes to cause significant problems, but other breeds such as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Shelties frequently need surgery.

Ectopic cilia
are also abnormal eyelashes growing from the eyelid tarsal glands but rather than growing out of the eyelid margin, they grow out of the eyelid conjunctiva, directly on to the corneal surface (perpendicular).

Every single ectopic cilia will cause significant discomfort, often ulceration and all need to be surgically removed.